Bench Press Specialization Program

$29.99 USD

This program is designed for trainees who want to take their bench press to the next level. The
training manual provides detailed instructions on how to execute the bench press with expert-level technique.
Available as electronic copy only. Scroll down to learn more.




The Program

The Bench Press Specialization Program is designed for trainees who want to take their bench press to the next level. The training manual provides detailed instructions on how to execute the bench press with expert-level techniques. The 8-week Full Body Bench Press-Focused Program is split up into 2 distinct training blocks each with a specific focus. Block 1 focuses on skill development and volume accumulation while block 2 focuses on strength peaking, leading into a new 1 rep max test in week 8.

Backed By Science

The program includes two separate 4-week blocks: a 5x per week (3x per week benching) conjugate-style volume accumulation phase, which emphasizes the importance of technical mastery and skill development, and a 4x per week (2x per week benching) peaking phase which will emphasize progressive overload leading into a new 1 rep max strength test in week 8.

Jeff Nippard’s Bench Press Specialization Program is designed for trainees who want to push their bench press strength to the limit. The training manual provides in-depth, heavily research based (with 30 scientific references included) descriptions of the program, including coaching cues developed over 13 years of training experience for every exercise.

Lift Like A Pro

Put to use the precise details that separate a good bencher from a great bencher. This program dedicates 2 highly resourced chapters to perfecting your set-up and execution of the bench press with perfect form.

It also compiles 7 of the most common errors people make when bench pressing and explains exactly how to correct them.

Video links hand selected by Jeff have been included to demonstrate proper form for every exercise in the program.

Bench Press Specialization Program

$29.99 USD